Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Life So Far

Determined to watch TV
Sleeping soundly swaddled in your swing with your white noise
First feeding by Daddy!

A little bit about you and life so far:

Your likes from Birth to now at Three Months Old:

Being swaddled
Your tommee tippee soothers - or as mommy calls them "your susu"
Your swing. You fall asleep in it every morning.
White noise
Being bounced on a exercise ball
Bright lights including lamps and the TV...from an early age you would contort yourself to get a good look at the TV.
Being sang to

Your dislikes:

Teething - you started that early thanks to your daddy!
Being sat down with...you always like being on the move. No one could dare sit down with you!
Tummy time. You will last literaly only a few mins before screaming.

You could care less about:

You were not a fan of daddy at first but you are coming around...he just gave you your first bottle yesterday so now he is in your good books I think!
Being read to

Your Nicknames:

Baby Beluga
Baby Burrito
Pretty Princess
Grandpa calls you his "luv muffin"

Life so far is pretty hectic but it is settling down. You certainly keep us guessing though! Right now you pretty much wake up between 7-8 and eat. You play a little for an hour or so after that then fall asleep in your swing with the white noise and spa channel playing. You wake up about 2 hours later and play and then eat again around noon. Depending on the day after that we might go to baby class in Mission, go to grandma and grandpas for a couple hours in Abbotsford or Papa might come take you on a walk. Daddy would be home shortly after that and you would eat again at about 4PM and play some more...maybe watch some veggies tales. Mommy would make dinner for daddy and they would eat and you would sleep until you eat again at about 8:30PMish. You would hang out with daddy for a bit to give mommy a break to shower or clean and then we would all head to bed where you would usually sleep through the night and wake up a hungry munchkin the next morning.

The doctor has been impressed with your growth and tells mommy to keep up the good work.

Sometimes Mommy and Daddy feel sad because you cry and we dont know why. You are usually a VERY happy baby. We have narrowed it down to tummy troubles - you toot a LOT like Daddy - or teething.

Mommy's worst moments with you were when you wouldnt eat the day after we left the hospital, your shots and just the other night when you were screaming in pain from teething. I sent Daddy out to get some medicine for you and you calmed down pretty fast after that.

Mommy's best moments with you are in the mornings. After your morning meal you are as happy as you can be smiling and babbling and just generally enjoying yourself. I love to see you happy.

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