Monday, August 19, 2013

Precious Moments

The other day you, Daddy and I were out and about. It was nap time and you just wouldn't go to sleep.
You grabbed my hand and fell right asleep. I guess all you needed to know was that Mommy was there.
Love you to pieces baby girl!

I caught some Smiles!

Its not all smiles though...sometimes you give me looks like this....


On August 13, 2013 you made a new best friend. Mommy's bestest cousin Arianne gave birth to Melia.
I cannot wait for you to grow up with her and all the play dates that are going to happen. Arianne and I have already started talking about putting you two in mommy and me swimming lessons once Melia is 4 months old...oh what fun you two will have! 

Nana & PaPa's Wedding!

You did such a great job at the wedding!! You were calm and smiley in the wagon and barely made a peep . Near the end of the night you had enough and were asleep in my arms. I enjoyed holding you looking out at the beautiful sights of Whistler. Good job hunny!

So Many Firsts!

As I am writing this you are sound asleep in the next room. I was thinking how much I love it when you are in a cuddle mood. Your eyes are always so big and full of wonder about the world around you but those moments when you cozy up to momma are truly the most treasured.

Over the last couple of days you have had a few "firsts". You, Momma, Grandpa and Grandma went to the park and swimming. You LOVED the swing and were not sure about the water at first but never cried. Near the end we got smiles out of you as you swam belly down in your uncles pool. Daddy couldnt be there because he was working on the car. You are going to be the ring bearer at your Nana and Papa's wedding this weekend in Whistler so he wanted to make sure the cart was tip top shape!

You are going to look so cute in your dress pulled in a wagon by your cousin Jayde! I cant wait to get pictures!